Lake Havasu City, AZ, Mulberry WWTP Tertiary Filter Capacity Increase
Key Info
- Lake Havasu City AZ
- Wastewater Treatment Plants & Lift Stations
- Lake Havasu City
Project Details

Delivery Method Design-Build
KEAR provided complete design-build services to upgrade 2 existing tertiary filters and add another to the existing filter train at the Lake Havasu Mulberry WWTP. The project included the relocation of two existing Schreiber Fuzzy Filters to allow for the installation of a third new filter in the filter train. The existing containment area required structural modifications to accommodate the new filter and the existing electrical and control systems were also upgraded. KEAR also performed mechanical upgrades to the 2 existing filters, including replacing the existing internal traveling plates, re-coating the vessel interiors and installing new turbidity meters. The project was phased to allow the plant to continually operate with full filtration capabilities while the systems were upgraded.