Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, AZ, Fuel Repairs
Key Info
- Yuma AZ
- Bulk Fuel Storage
- MCAS Yuma
Project Details
Delivery Method Design-Build
As the design-build prime contractor under the USACE Omaha Fuels MATOC, KEAR provided various fuel system demolition and construction services at MCAS Yuma, AZ. As part of the project KEAR provided a surge analysis of the existing truck fillstand, a pump NPHSa study, API 653 inspections and repairs for 2 AST’s, repairs to an existing product recovery tank, removal of an existing AST and installation of relief piping. The project also included various civil and site improvements including site concrete and surface restoration. The project carried strict phasing requirements for all tank work activities which were all maintained by the construction team throughout the project.